+Catarrh, colds and
In that period, the period of the child's illness, it would be uncomfortable and feel the pain as well as he will be forced to be absent from school and stop the practice of routine activities.
The colds and flu make the child feel the general condition of weakness, and therefore it is best to take some preventive measures that will protect your child from colds and flu.
- The germs and bacteria that are on hand simply can penetrate the defenses of the immune system for your child when he touches his face with his hand. Therefore Tenbhy Try to always be your child that he must keep his hands away from his face - The child's immune system, which exploits the time in which the child is asleep or relaxed to destroy germs and harmful bacteria. Therefore, you must learn that your child is not getting enough sleep and if it feels variety of Pressure, it will be more susceptible to colds and flu. Should your child to get enough sleep so that you can also white blood cells that work well. In general, adults need from seven until eight hours of sleep while children need to the number of hours of sleep more than eight hours.
- Remember that a person or a child with the flu can spread germs even before the day of the onset of symptoms until five days after the onset of symptoms. Children must be aware of the importance of staying away from and at a distance from any person suffering from a bad cold.
- A healthy diet and proper elements of effective resistance in colds and influenza. Remember that vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables that will increase the resistance of the immune system for your child against colds and various diseases
- Do not always be low temperature is the cause of injury to the child colds but sometimes be the cause of friction is a large number of people may have some of them are infected with a cold
- You must learn that smoking may make any person more susceptible to a range of different diseases start from colds and flu and even cancer and heart disease. Certainly, if the child's presence in a house with smokers, it will be more susceptible to infections and colds
- There are some parents who may allow their children to go to school and they are suffering from a cough or high temperature, or cold in the stomach. But in fact, it is best that the child stays at home to rest if it is infected with a cold or flu
- Limit the amount of sugar consumed by the baby, because sugar weakens the immune system and reduces the child's defenses in the face of bacteria and viruses. You can always give your baby foods containing vitamin C, which would reduce the period of a cold
- Must be for a child to change his clothes, and that is a day washing clothes and disinfected with cleaning and washing bed sheets
- Keep your home clean an essential element in order to resist diseases and colds and flu. Try and always should be doing the washing and sterilizing baby games and various surfaces in the house because this would prevent the spread of viruses that cause colds and flu.