samedi 20 septembre 2014

Children thinnest .. What are the causes and how to treat it?!

Children thinnest .. What are the causes and how to treat it?!

the children thinnest became a problem haunting mothers recently,because the health of child came under threat,so his activities physical and mental diminish,and seems The thinnest very clear, and according to recent studies, the rate of between 15% - 30% of the world's children suffer from thin or underweight than normal .

so The mothers should be aware of the risk of the thinnest children, they put the health of their children at risk and the incidence of many diseases caused by a weakened immune system which affect them in adulthood and on the strength of their bodies and leads to disturbing and clear in hormones that work on the building of the bodies in an integrated manner.

We first have to be knowen for the reasons behind the thinnest children; to find the right solution during a period of time to avoid a few of the child and the mother state of fear and anxiety and any possible danger that threatens the health of the child.

The reasons for the thinnest children:

  - Malnutrition: The loss of a child's body to the important nutrients needed by making it vulnerable to extreme thinness, so it must be integrated child nutrition.

  - Wrong food habits: so that the child does not deal with these foods and replaces it with some useful food that do not fall within the scope of proper diet, and thus be the cause of his thinnest.

  - Genetic reasons: often play a big role genetic causes of injury in some diseases, including the thinnest children.

  - Diseases of childhood: the best known endocrine disorders that may lead to a significant loss in weight of the child.

  - Medicines: Eating a child for some medicines that cause a sense of loss of appetite, has a strong effect on his health.

  - The psychological state: The exposure of the child to bad psychological states as tension and depressed for a long period affect his appetite and activity of the stomach, leading to exposure to excessive thinness.

Treat the thinnest children: 

  - the proper example: children looking for someone to make him a role model for them ,so they get tradition of what he does without thinking, so parents have to be in that picture in their methods of food.

  - Dietary habits: The division of the child's daily meals to three main meals and add some snacks Between them is the best method, which is recommended by experts focusing on the nutrition of children eating fruits and vegetables and all the necessary nutrients.

  - Consult a doctor must consult a doctor if the child has become a slimmed Conspicuous, nor should be reviewed periodically to take height and weight frequently to keep the natural rate and ideal weight.

Thus creating the causes and remedies for the thinnest of the child, and parents avoid any danger that might threaten the health of their child at risk.
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