samedi 20 septembre 2014

Simple treatment of diarrhea without dehydration:

Simple treatment of diarrhea without dehydration:

the diarhea is the most common diseases among children and affects them all the ages and become more dangerous to young children under of five years because of the high quantity of water in the child body,the frequently diarhea plus the malnutrition that it's happen because of it,straining the child and weaken their resistance and fails compensation he had lost the body of essential nutrients, fluids and salts.

at the moment it's availble simple methods for the treatment of diarrhea and dehydration,and can save a lote of children lifes and reduce diagnosed complications and risks such as malnutrition and diarrhea if we use  as soon as affecting  the diarrhea.

-it's Preferred start immediately giving while oral the rehydration solution,to restore the fluid and salt lost by the body in order to reduce dehydration.  preparing The solution and giving to the child after all stand out as much as possible from a water drinking cup or using a spoon.

-If the child vomits it is recommended to wait for 5-10 minutes and then resume giving the appropriate amount of the solution and slowly.

-controling Baby continuously to make sure that he's not drought affected .

- If the child appeared on the danger signs must be transferred directly to the nearest health center or hospital to give appropriate treatment and these tags:

- Increase the number of times the water defecate.

- Frequent vomiting.

- Loss of appetite and refused to eat.

- Thirst remarkable.

- The high temperature.

- The flow of blood with stool

 Finaly,You must make sure that the child's condition has improved after giving drought solution, If symptoms persist or worsened ,you must transfer to the hospital immediately.
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